Food Stall Requirements
Requirements for a single, standard, food stall.
1/ A Current Food Registration License (A Grade)
2/ Gazebo (max 2.5m x 2.5m),
3/Fire blanket (1.8m x 1.8m),
4/ Fire extinguisher
5/ First aid kit.
6/ Handwash station
7/ Rubber floor mat
8/ Lights(LED)
9/ Professional banner/ signage
10/ All Electrical equipment must have a current test & tag certificate,
11/ All Electrical appliances and equipment must have the below logo, (or an equivalently recognised New Zealand/Australia safety standard mark).
12/ Only commercial, industrial HEAVY DUTY power leads, extension leads, adapters and multi-boxes (no double-adapters), are to be used anywhere in your stall or in the market.
13/ Correct length power leads, (the distance from your stall to the nearest power point is different at different locations)
14/ Power leads must not be used while coiled up.
15/ All gas appliances and equipment must have the below logo, (or an equivalently recognised New Zealand/Australia safety standard mark).
16/ ALL gas hoses must be connected using permanently crimped connectors, (no temporary, screw-on, removable clamps).
17/ ALL gas hoses must be at least 1.5m long.
18/ NO set up before 2.30pm,
(or before 3.30pm at Botany)
19/ Vendors must not arrive on site before 2.30pm,
(or before 3.30 pm at Botany)
20/ All vehicles must be driven slowly and carefully, with hazard lights on.
21/ No vehicles are permitted to enter any market area before 10.30pm, or later if there are still customers in the market, or until directed to by ANM authorised staff or security guards. (If you leave early you will need to cart your stuff to your vehicle)
22/ All vehicles must be driven slowly and carefully with hazard lights on.
23/ Every food stall must
a. A new fire extinguisher,
b. A 1.8m x 1.8m fire blanket,
c. A first-aid kit
d. Your current food registration licence
e. Night Market ID number (issued on arrival)
24/ Gas bottles must be located at least 1m away from any heat source and 1m away from any power distribution boxes.
25/ NO CARDBOARD mats, cardboard sheets or cardboard boxes are to be used, or stored, anywhere within your stall area.
(exceptions are only made for cardboard boxes containing essential items, like chips, meat, plastic cups, etc, with the original contents still in the original box - as purchased)
26/ The floor in and near your stall must be covered or kept clean and left clean at the end of the night.
27/ Power leads must run neatly along either side of your stall, then through the power-lead safety tray (provided by us), and then to the nearest power distribution box.
28/ No leads or multi boxes are to be fixed overhead (unless used specifically for lights)
29/ The maximum single stall-area/size is 2.5m wide (front) x 4.5m deep.
30/ You must cover the entire floor of your stall-area with rubber mats. (please note- your rubber mats will define your stall-area boundaries)
31/ Nothing is to be placed outside of your stall-area boundary,
32/ Each stall must keep clear a 1m "service" gap behind your stall area- between the stall-area rear boundary and the painted boundary line at the rear of the carpark space,
33/ Children should not be in any stall-area at any time.
34/ Visitors, friends and family members (who are not working in the stall) should not be in any stall-area at any time.
35/ Pets are not permitted in any stall-area, at any time.
36/ The floor area in and near your stall must be left clean at the end of the night.
37/ No rubbish is to be brought to or left on site,
38/ Only rubbish produced on site can be put into the rubbish bins or the rubbish trailer provided by ANM.
39/ All rubbish must be in tied-closed rubbish bags.
40/ You must take all cardboard boxes and cardboard rubbish home with you.
41/ NO CARDBOARD is to be dumped on site.
42/ You must take all used cooking oil home with you.
43/ No cooking oil is to be dumped on site.
45/ All wastewater (no oil) must be dumped in the onsite GREASE-TRAP (ask where),
46/ No wastewater is to be dumped in any drain, gutter, or anywhere other than in the onsite GREASE-TRAP, (again, please ask where).
47/ Smoking or vaping is not permitted anywhere in the market.
48/ The consumption of alcohol or drugs is not permitted anywhere in the market.
49/ Rude, offensive, disrespectful or unfriendly behaviour is not permitted anywhere in the market.